We are proud to offer several options for wellness services including: a Wellness Room for privacy and relaxation. We offer Wellness programing throughout the year through workshops and events and other offerings, see below for further information.
Flu Vaccinations: Every fall, students are offered free flu vaccinations on campus. Watch for emails with the dates and times of these annual flu clinics.
Smoking Cessation: For students who are interested in smoking cessation, the Health & Wellness Center offers the American Lung Association FreshStart program, including free nicotine replacement therapy and one-on-one nursing support.
Nutritional Information: Students interested in nutritional information and advice can find a wealth of information on the AVI Fresh Wellness page
Wellness Space:
Located in the Bates 201 Health & Wellness Center Annex, space can be reserved by students to utilize as quiet space. Students can make a 30 or 50 minute appointment (available M-F 9:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m.) through the Patient Portal.
The massage chair is located in this space. Massage chairs have been shown to reduce stress, improve well-being and increase overall health through enhanced circulation and decrease muscle tension. Massage has also been linked to the secretion of endorphins which may create a feeling of wellbeing and enhanced immune response.
Full-spectrum light therapy is located in this space and has been shown to benefit the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Designed to mimic outdoor light, researchers believe that the full spectrum light may cause a chemical change in the brain which lifts mood and eases other symptoms of SAD. It is recommended that a full-spectrum light be used for 20-30 minutes for optimal effect.
Mindfulness Recordings: Mindfulness maintains a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment. The physical and mental benefits of mindfulness practices are well documented. The Health & Wellness Center provides students with an opportunity to reduce stress and relax while in the Wellness Space, through the use of mindfulness recordings.